Artist Statement
I’ve been writing about Vibrating Tarot and adding to this website for years now. My most refined explanation of the project can be found on the Vibrating Tarot home page.
But how did it all start? Where did it all come from? And what does it all mean?
Those questions are easy to answer.
Shortly after my apartment building burnt down, I went out and bought a Tarot deck and a Magic Wand. That was the day a brand new seed was planted.
Years ago, when I was still in high school, I remember someone saying that the jobs we’d be working as adults don’t exist yet because we would be inventing those jobs ourselves as we get out into the world.
I owe my entire professional life to those words, as no other have been more accurate when describing my career.
After I got my Bachelor of Design from York/Sheridan in 2011, no one ever told me to start working on any of the projects I’ve developed, and certainly no one told me to start building this Tarot project up from scratch. I didn’t know a single person in the pleasure product industry in early 2020, and I didn’t even know that most of their products existed.
Coming to this project predominantly from a graphic design background, and secondly from a Tarot and divination background, the pleasure products were what I needed help with to fully understand.
A community informed approach was adopted from the start, and in the early months and first years of the project, I ran questionnaires and surveys to discover the landscape of the products available and to tap into the consciousness of my prospective target market.
I still welcome input from anyone out there who has something to share with me, and you can find me asking for you to reach out in various spots on my website. Until all the contracts are signed and the deck has been sent off to the printer, I will always be open and willing and eager to hear your input and suggestions.
After a variety of big names in the pleasure product industry started giving me positive feedback and agreeing to be involved in the project, I knew I had something worthwhile.
I've had the opportunity to meet with a variety of people in the pleasure product industry over the past three years, and have taken direction from them in terms of outlining the details of their legal questions, and taking their advice on building our licensing agreements.
I developed the project far enough to approach US Games, the owners of the RWS Tarot deck in order to solve the copyright question once and for all, and upon reviewing my progress, their Vice President endorsed the project, wishing us “Good Luck”.
We're at the point now when the majority of the artwork has been completed with the initial permission and approval of the majority of participating companies. Now is the time when we are coming together to approve the final images and sign the licensing agreements.
I’ve invited dozens of different companies to be involved in the project, from big corporations to small businesses to individual artists, from across the globe, so that the deck of cards embraces a large variety of different products and more faithfully resembles our own individual and unique collections.
That being said, I have always employed a critical eye. Vibrating Tarot is made up of iconic products from reputable companies. I have many people to thank for refining my decisions and bringing greater context and meaning to the choices I’ve made.
It's not enough to just have a great idea. It has to come at the right time and the circumstances have to be ideal in order to follow through with it. On top of that, you need the door to be open for you.
I realize how fortunate I am to be working on this project with the support of so many. Never once did I want to treat it with haste or with less consideration than it deserves. I never wanted it to just be some joke or novelty item, or for it to amount to a series of web art or some elaborate meme. I believe it can be a worthwhile product in the pleasure product and metaphysical market places and I've always approached its artwork, its message, and the rhetoric surrounding it with respect and dignity.
To everyone in the community who I’ve been in contact with, thank you. You have all given me different things to consider and this project would not be the same without your input. If you have ever interacted with Vibrating Tarot, please know that you have had a direct hand in shaping its landscape.
To those adult pleasure product companies that I have wonderful relationships with and permission to move forward with the project, I thank you for your ongoing support.
To those that I am still in discussions with, I respect and value your companies, your products, and your intellectual property more than you know. For the past three years, we’ve been taking steps towards a licensing agreement that would grant me permission to publish Vibrating Tarot.
I’ll always be grateful for your consideration and I’m certain that when the time is right, we’ll find the right path forward.
For more info, please explore the rest of the website and don't hesitate to contact me anytime.
Frank Lawrence, B.Des
Vibrating Tarot
by Pallor Publishing

Crowdfunding with BackerKit in May 2025
Please Join our Mailing List
We'll be going live with our crowdfunding campaign after all of our licensing agreements are signed and I am working to make that happen as soon as possible.
We're aiming for September/October 2024.
For now, the best way you can help us out is to please join our mailing list at the following link:
Why BackerKit?
BackerKit was the only crowdfunding platform to put their support and their enthusiasm behind our project during a time when other crowdfunding platforms were turning us away because of our relation to sexual wellness.
Please join our mailing list at the link below to ensure that you get notified about the crowdfunding campaign that will help fund the first edition of Vibrating Tarot.
Copyright Statement
I’ve been researching the US Games copyright over the Rider Waite Tarot Deck for the past several years so that I can better understand it and so that we can all be 100% confident in moving forward with the Vibrating Tarot project.
My research has led to an official endorsement from the VP of US Games, owner and publisher of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck.
Upon review of the latest process images, we were given the green light to continue with our work with an email that said:
"This [Vibrating Tarot] has nothing to do with US Games.
Good Luck with it."
-VP of US Games
In the interest of full transparency and full disclosure, for the various legal teams to review my findings, and for others to benefit from my work, I am making all of my research available on this page.
This document seeks to explain the copyright claim that US Games has over the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck and how Vibrating Tarot relates to it.
It will also break down how Vibrating Tarot imagery is created, and how it is similar to, and how it differs from, the Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck.
Overview of Main Points
The Rider Waite Smith deck is comprised of different visual elements that break down into two categories.
The first category consists of the original black line illustrations, drawn by Pamela Colman Smith (1878-1951), under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942), first published by the Rider Company in 1909.
The second category includes all the recently updated elements by US Games, protected by a 1971 copyright. They consist of the colour palette, typography, design on the backs of the cards, and the box design.
In addition to the two above mentioned visual elements, the additional matter of the RIDER-WAITE trademark is of concern.
Pamela Colman Smith’s original black line illustrations entered into the public domain at the end of 2021, 70 years after her death.
Vibrating Tarot derives part of its background imagery by redrawing the Colman Smith line art that is now public domain material.
US Games currently holds copyright to their updated elements in the current publication of the RWS Tarot Deck.
Vibrating Tarot does not use any of the elements that were updated by US Games that are protected by their copyright, including their colour palette, typography, back of card design, and box art.
US Games currently holds full rights to the RIDER-WAITE mark.
Vibrating Tarot takes care in not using the RIDER-WAITE mark in any way. Vibrating Tarot has created its own unique brand and does not take advantage of the Rider Waite mark, nor do we mention the Rider Waite name in ANY of our material.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Colman Smith’s Original Line Art is Public Domain
Section 2: US Games Copyright to New Materials
Section 3: The RIDER-WAITE Mark
Section 4: Vibrating Tarot Mythology and Imagery
4.1: Vibrating Tarot Mythology
4.2: How is Vibrating Tarot Imagery Made?
Section 5: Conclusion
Section 6: Acknowledgements
Section 1: Colman Smith’s Original Line Art is Public Domain
Line Art is Public Domain as of 2021, 70 years after Colman Smith’s death.
Colman Smith’s original black line illustrations are the only visual element from the RWS deck that Vibrating Tarot is concerned with, and they entered into the public domain at the end of 2021, 70 years after her death.
TAKEAWAY: Pertaining to the original line drawings, no one can claim copyright over them because they are now public domain as they were originally drawn by Pamela Colman Smith, who passed away greater than 70 years ago.
Section 2: US Games Copyright to New Materials
US Games’ copyright claim
In 1971, US Games filed a copyright claim at the US Copyright office which is displayed below.
This application only applies to new matter, which means anything added to a preexisting work. In this case US Games claims a copyright on everything except for the actual original RWS illustrations.
The following info is taken from the 1971 copyright claim:
Registration Number: VA-101-718
Title: The Rider tarot deck / the original and only authorized ed. of the famous 78-card tarot deck / designed by Pamela Colman Smith under the direction of Arthur Edward Waite.
Description: 78 col. prints; cards in box.
Claimant: acU. S. Games Systems, Inc.
Created: 1971
Published: 22Dec71
Registered: 11Jun82
Author on Application: artwork & text on cards & box: U. S. Games Systems, Inc., employer for hire.
Previous Related Version: Appl. identifies tarot card designs as preexisting material.
Claim Limit: NEW MATTER: "lithographic reproduction of designs & text on tarot cards, artwork & text on box."
TAKEAWAY: It is important that while designing Vibrating Tarot, I use my own unique colour layers, typography, an original design for the backs of the cards, and a new box design, so that the elements over which US Games claims ownership do not apply to our project.
Section 3: The RIDER-WAITE Mark
US Games’ 2021 Statement pertaining to the RIDER WAITE trademark
January 27, 2021
US Games states that it “owns exclusive rights to the RIDER-WAITE mark, and that right may be preserved in perpetuity.”
US Games notes that “Even when the copyright derived from Colman Smith expires, which was erroneously reported as January 1, 2021 instead of December 31, 2021, U.S. Games’ rights in the images as interpreted on its cards will not, and exact reproductions, including card backs and interpretations of colorization, will still lie exclusively in US Games.
Finally, the date on which any copyright expires is dependent upon the jurisdiction, and while it may expire at the end of 2021 in some places, that is not true globally. US Games is, and remains, the only publisher authorized by Waite’s estate.”
TAKEAWAY: Vibrating Tarot does not use the RIDER-WAITE mark in any way. We do not use the terminology in our descriptions of ourselves online, or in print, and the term Rider Waite does not appear in our marketing or on our box art.
Section 4: Vibrating Tarot Mythology and Imagery
4.1: An Overview of Vibrating Tarot Mythology
Vibrating Tarot is a new Tarot deck based on the 1909 illustrations of Pamela Colman Smith, featuring popular sex toys and adult pleasure products in place of all the people and iconic imagery.
In addition to all the characters in the deck being replaced by sex toys, the four suits in Vibrating Tarot have changed. Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles have changed to Rope, Lube, Whips, and Plugs.
The world of Vibrating Tarot builds upon the traditional Tarot themes, transforming the essence of the deck as a whole, while paying homage to many different sub-genres within the world of kink, BDSM, and sex positivity.
The concept clears away stigma with its initial humour, but the deck of cards can also be looked at in a much deeper way and should be used as a serious tool of divination to engage in, solo or with friends and trusted partners, in search of deeper knowledge about themselves.
With sex positivity at its core, acceptance, and embracing of everyone across many spectra, Vibrating Tarot starts the types of conversations that bridge the gap between sexuality and spirituality.
4.2: How is Vibrating Tarot Imagery made?
Vibrating Tarot eliminates all character art, and all imagery of iconic items, from the compositions of the original RWS Tarot deck.
I take the background line art from the original designs, digitally retrace each background anew by hand, and build upon them with new photographs, new illustrations, textured layers, and digital collage work of adult toys and pleasure products. These new compositions change the meaning of each card and transforms the essence of the Tarot deck as a whole.
These newly designed foreground collage compositions are placed in similar positions to the characters on the original cards so that the basic visual component of the card remains intact while the deeper understanding of the message has been transformed to something new.
A new colour palette is added. The colour palette is meant to look like the original deck but consists of scanned coloured pages of old paper and different textures, as well as original photography of things like leaves, leather, sand, and rust, and burnt wood. I replace all the typography with my own. The backs of the cards and the box design are also my own original designs.
With full permission from each company involved, I plan to run a crowdfunding campaign for Vibrating Tarot to bring it to print and distribution.
Section 5: Conclusion
No one has claim to copyright over the background line art that was originally drawn by Pamela Colman Smith because Colman Smith passed away greater than 70 years ago.
Vibrating Tarot does not use any of the newly added material which US Games holds copyright over, including colour palette, typography, backs of the card design, or box art.
We are not using the RIDER-WAITE mark in any way. Vibrating Tarot has created its own unique brand, and does not mention the Rider Waite name in any of its material.
Section 6: Acknowledgements
Thank you to the following two sources for their invaluable research:

Crowdfunding with BackerKit in May 2025
Please Join our Mailing List
We'll be going live with our crowdfunding campaign after all of our licensing agreements are signed and I am working to make that happen as soon as possible.
We're aiming for September/October 2024.
For now, the best way you can help us out is to please join our mailing list at the following link:
Why BackerKit?
BackerKit was the only crowdfunding platform to put their support and their enthusiasm behind our project during a time when other crowdfunding platforms were turning us away because of our relation to sexual wellness.
Please join our mailing list at the link below to ensure that you get notified about the crowdfunding campaign that will help fund the first edition of Vibrating Tarot.
The Lost Interview
What was the impetus for this deck, it’s so unique.
Dreamwork is an important component to my practice and is an area of study I’ve focused on since I first discovered what lucid dreaming was back in high school. I often solve a lot of my creative problems in my dreams, particularly during the time when I’m drifting off, half asleep and half awake.
One evening in 2017 when I was drifting off to sleep, I saw the We-Vibe Chorus floating like an angel in the sky, set upon the Lovers card in the Tarot deck. I immediately jumped up and wrote the idea down. Without thinking twice about it, I added a note that the Magic Wand should sit on the World card. Instantly, I had just designed two cards in a brand new Tarot deck that I immediately knew would be called Vibrating Tarot.
Being an artist and a creative designer has taught me that the creative process is one that requires you to work hard on a specific problem, then take equal time away from it to allow your subconscious to work on a solution. That’s where the breakthroughs come from. If you can understand this process and harness its power, you will be better able to take advantage of those “Eureka!” moments when they happen.
Since working on this project, many people have told me that they’ve had the idea for a sex toy Tarot themselves. I'm not surprised. These ideas are out there floating in our collective conscious. Everyone has the ability to tap into that if you learn to trust yourself, follow your intuition, and teach yourself how to recognize certain signs.
I shared the first two process images of what would eventually become Vibrating Tarot on Valentines Day 2020 and immediately got a positive response from fans asking where they could buy the deck. Soon after that, industry members were asking how they could get their products featured in the project as well.
Obtaining proper permission from each company became extremely important moving forward and I’ve been building relationships with each of the product manufacturers you see featured in my work for the past three years. Some have been incredibly encouraging, going out of their way to help me understand the landscape, and opening doors for me along the way.
Approval from each company by email led way to the signing of formal licensing agreements, and that’s the stage that where we’re all at right now.
Next we’ll find a crowdfunding platform that will embrace the project with as much enthusiasm as we all have for it ourselves. After being told that our project is not welcome on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo because of its relation to sexual wellness, we are turning to BackerKit, a brand new and very promising platform populated with an exceptionally dynamic and supportive forward thinking community.
We will keep everyone up to date on these details, and as part of our dedication to full transparency, everyone can read more about these specific details on our Crowdfunding page by clicking here.
What has been the most exciting thing about creating this deck?
Learning about the pleasure product industry has been an amazement. Its so exciting to be welcomed by such a generous, accepting, helpful, vibrant, forward thinking industry. Pillars of the community have helped me out in various ways and have always advocated for each other in the process.
Getting each different brand on board with Vibrating Tarot has been full of wonderful highs.
The problem solving component of the project, which is matching up each toy with its most appropriate spot in the Tarot deck, is stimulating in its own right, but when I reach out to a specific company and ask their permission, and they say yes to the idea, at times, I’ve fallen to the ground with tears of joy in my eyes.
That’s how exciting it is to have official partnerships with each of these pleasure product manufacturers.
Doing this project the right way, with the full approval of everyone involved, is of paramount importance, and right now, we’re all working our way through the process of signing licensing agreements that will allow us to crowdfund, manufacture, distribute, and sell the deck of cards in adult retail environments.
It’s a delicate process because each company is different, and they all have their own unique voices. I’ve been working with each of them individually to come to the best understanding of how we can move forward with an agreement that makes everyone feel seen and heard.
I’m proud and honoured to be moving forward with the full confidence of those companies who are signing with us. Without their kind permission, this body of work would not exist.
For a full list of product manufacturers featured in Vibrating Tarot, please see our Product Manufacturers page by clicking here.
What are some of the cool things you learned about Tarot?
Seeing the reaction to designing my own Tarot deck has taught me that the ways we connect with the Tarot are truly unique to each of us.
Reacting to feedback in real time has helped to evolve Vibrating Tarot past my own ideas surrounding it and has elevated my approach to many different details.
My interactions with people who love Vibrating Tarot can teach a great deal, but my interactions with those who challenge it have helped me to rethink certain aspects at their core, to refine my work, to develop a mature rhetoric surrounding it, and have always forced me to adopt me a broader outlook.
The amount of integrity that I’ve worked hard to build into Vibrating Tarot is a direct result of those who have challenged my work, so I always thank absolutely everyone who has ever taken the time to let me know how the project has made them feel.
Many people are delighted at Vibrating Tarot, saying they’ve been waiting their whole lives for this project to exist, others defend the original Tarot deck fiercely, calling my work blasphemous. I always welcome everyone’s opinions because once we peel back the layers and get to the core of the matter, I can better understand where different people are coming from and viewing the project through a different lens has helped me understand my work in a greater context.
How can people get involved and support?
We're crowdfunding in May 2025 and can use all the help we can get. Please join our mailing list at the link below to ensure that you get notified about the crowdfunding campaign that will help fund the first edition of Vibrating Tarot.

Crowdfunding with BackerKit in May 2025
Please Join Our Mailing List
We'll be going live with our crowdfunding campaign after all of our licensing agreements are signed and I am working to make that happen as soon as possible.
We're aiming to crowdfund in May 2025.
For now, the best way you can help us out is to please join our mailing list at the following link:
BackerKit was the only crowdfunding platform to put their support and their enthusiasm behind our project during a time when other crowdfunding platforms were turning us away because of our relation to sexual wellness.
Please join our mailing list at the link below to ensure that you get notified about the crowdfunding campaign that will help fund the first edition of Vibrating Tarot.
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